

New Media

Benedict, Michael (ed): Cyberspace, First Steps
The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1991, 3. Udg. 1992

Bertelsen, Lars Kiel: Fotografiets grå mytologi
Rævens Sorte Bibliotek, 2000,

Bolter, J. David, and Gromala, Diane: Windows and Mirrors: Interaction Design, Digital Art, and the Myth of Transparency
The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 2003.

Darley, Andrew: Visual Digital Culture
Routledge, London, 2000

Druckrey, Timothy (red.): Electronic Culture
Apeture Foundation, New York 1996

Gilbert-Roth, Jeremy: Beauty and the Contemporary Sublime
Allworth Press,U.S., 2000

Grau, Oliver: Virtual Art : From Illusion to Immersion
The MIT Press, Massachusetts 2003

Hayles, Katherine N.: How we became posthuman
The University of Chicago Press, 1999

Jensen, Jens F. (red): Multimedier, Hypermedier, Interaktive medier
FISK-serien 3, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Ålborg, 1998

Jensen, Jens F. (red): Internet, World Wide Web, Netværks-kommunik@tion
FISK-serien 4, Aalborg Universitetsforlag, Ålborg, 1999

King, Geoff & Krzywinska, Tanya (ed): ScreenPlay - cinema/videogames/interfaces
Wallflower Press, London, 2002

Lister, Martin. New Media : A Critical Introduction
Routledge, New York, 2003.

Manovich, Lev: The Language of New Media
The MIT Press, 2001

Mitchell, William J: The Rconfigured Eye
Routledge, London 1998

Mitchell, William J: E-topia
The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 2000

Murray, Janet H.: Hamlet on the Holodeck: The future Narrative in Cyberspace
The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 2000

Paul, Christiane. Digital Art
Thames & Hudson, New York, 2003

Popper, Frank: Computer Art
Thames and Hudson, 1993

Spiller, Neil (ed): Cyber_Reader: Critical Writings for the Digital Era
Cambridge University Press, 2002

Sørensen, Anne Scott & Walter, Bo Kampman: Cyberflux, Digital kunst og kommunikation
Odense Universitetsforlag, 2001

Aarseth, Espen J.: Cybertext - Perspectives on Ergodic Literature
The John Hopkins University Press, 1997


Augé, Marc: Non Places – Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity
Verso, London 1995

Baart, Theo: Territory
NAi Publishers, 2003

Borden, Iain (ed): The Unknown City: Contesting Architecture and Social Space
The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 2002

Calvino, Italo: Invisible Cities
Vintage, London 1974

Gans, Deborah & Kuz, Zehra: The Organic Approach to Architecture
Wiley-Academy, West Sussex, 2003

Hetherington, Kevin: The Badlands of Modernity: Heterotopia and Social Ordering
Routledge, London, 1997

Hollein, Hans: Alles ist Architektur
Bau, 23. 1/2, 1968, pp 1-20

Lefebvre, Henri: Rhythmanalysis - space, time and everyday life
Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004

Lynn, Greg: Animate Form
Princeton Architectural Press, New York 1999

Perella, Stephen: Hypersurface II
Architectural Design

Pile, Steve: Real Cities: Modernity, Space and the Phantasmagorias of City Life
Sage Publications Ltd, 2005

Pile, Steve & Thrift, Nigel (eds.): City A-Z: Urban Fragments
Routledge, 2000

Rykwert, Joseph: The seduction of Place
Vintage, 2002

Safdie, Moshe: The City After the Automobile
Westview Press, 1998

Spuybroek, Lars & Lang, Bob: The Weight of the Image: Teaching Design and Computing in Architecture
Nederlands Architectuurinstituut NAi Publishers October 2001

Tschumi, Bernard: Architecture and Disjunction
The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1996

Verstegen, Ton. Tropism. Metaphoric Animation, and Architecture
NAi Publishers, Rotterdam, 2001

Zellner, Peter: Hybrid Space
Thames and Hudson, 16 October, 2000;

Visuel Kultur

Crary, Jonathan & Kwinton, Sanford: Incorporations
The MIT Press, 1992

Dalgaard, Iben; Stuhr, Lotte & Kleinert, Pernille: Øje for øje - en antologi om synet
Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi, 1994

Foster, Hal: The Return of the Real: The Avant-Garde at the End of the Century.
The MIT Press, Massachusetts, 1996

Mirzoeff, Nicolas (ed): Visual Culture Reader
Routledge, 1998

Mirzoeff, Nicholas: An Introduction to Visual Culture
Routledge, London 1999

Mitchell, W. J. T.: Picture Theory
The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1994

Qvortrup, Lars: Det Hyperkomplekse Samfund
Gyldendal, København, 2000

Rogoff, Irit: Terra Inferma
Routledge, London 2000


Balsamo, Anne: Technologies of the Gendered Body
Duke University Press, Durham & London,1996

Haraway, Donna: Simians, Cyborgs and Women. The Reinvention of Nature
Free Association Books, London, 1991

Gray, Chris Hables: Cyborg Citizen: Politics in the Posthuman Age
Routledge, London, 2002

Kirkup, Gill; Janes, Linda; Woodward, Kathryn & Hovenden, Fiona (eds.): The Gendered Cyborg: A Reader  
Routledge, New York, 1999

Zylinska, Joanna: The Cyborg Experiments: The Extensions of the Body in the Media Age Continuum International Publishing Group, 2002

Rushing, Janice Hocker & Frentz, Thomas S.: Projecting the Shadow: Cyborg Hero in American Film (New Practices of Inquiry)
University of Chicago Press, 1995


Bolt, Barbara: Art Beyond Representation: The Performative Power of the Image
I.B. Tauris, London, 2004

Butler, Judith: Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Routledge. London, New York, 1990

Butler, Judith: Bodies that Matter. On the Discursive Limits of ”Sex”
Routledge, New York, 1993

Søndergaard, Dorte Marie: Tegnet på kroppen. Køn, koder og konstruktioner blandt unge voksne i akademia
Museum Tusculanum, København, 1996

McKenzie, Jon: Perform or Else: From Discipline to Performance
Routledge, London & New York, 2001

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Bauman, Zygmunt: Det belejrede samfund
Hans Reitzel , 1. udgave, 2004

Bergson, Henri: Tiden og den frie vilje
Det Norske Akademi for Sprog og Litteratur, Larvik, 1990

Boym, Svetlana: The Future of Nostalgia
Basic Books 2002

de Certeau, Michel: The Practise of Everyday Life
University of California Press, 2002

Deleuze, Gilles: Cinema 1
The Athlone Press, London 1986

Deleuze, Gilles & Guattari, Felix: A Thousand Plateaus
Continuum, 2002 (1987)

Foucault, Michel: The Will to Knowledge. The History of Sexuality, Volume 1.
Penguin Books. London 1990 (1976)

Lefebvre, Henri: Rhythmanalysis: Space, Time and Everyday Life
Continuum International Publishing Group - Academi, 2004

Massumi, Brian: Parables for the Virtual : Movement, Affect, Sensation.
Duke University Press, Durham N.C., 2002

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice: The Visible and the Invisible,
Northwestern U.P. 1969

Proudfoot, Mike (ed): The Philosophy of Body
Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003