
Litteraturforslag til konceptudvikling og visuel formidling

Augé, Marc. 1995: Non-places: Introduction to an anthropology of supermodernity Verso, London & New York, Routledge. 

Baart, Theo. 2003: Territory, Rotterdam, Nedtherlands Architecure Inst (NAI).

Bakthin, Mihael. 2001 (1965): Karneval og latterkultur. Det lille forlag, Frederiksberg

Bal, Mieke. 2002 (1985): Narratology. University of Toronto Press

Bauman, Zygmunt. 2004: Det belejrede samfund, Hans Reitzel.

Borden, Kerr, Rendell, Pivaro (red). 2002: The Unknown City, The MIT Press, Massachusetts

Boym, Svetlana. 2001: The future of Nostalgia, Basic Books, New York

Calvino, Italo. 1998 (1972): De usynlige byer, Tiderne skifter, Danmark

Certeau, Michel de. 2002: The practise of everyday Life, University of California Press

Dean, Tacita & Millar, Jeremy. 2005: Place, Thames & Hudson, London

Gulmann, Steffen. 2005: CityDesign. Gyldendal

Haydn, Florian & Temel, Robert (ed). 2006: Temporary Urban Spaces – Concepts for the Use of City Spaces, Birkhäuser, Basel

Hetherington, Kevin. 1997: The Badlands of Modernity. Routledge, London

Lefebvre, Henri. 2004 (1992): Rhythmanalysis - Space, Time and Everyday Life. Continuum, London

Macphee, Graham. 2002: The Architecture of the Visible, Continuum

Marin, Louis. 1990 (1985): Utopics, Humanity Books, New York

Nielsen, Dorte: Idébogen – Kreative værktøjer og metoder til idé- og konceptudvikling, Grafisk Litteratur, København, 2001

Pile, Steve & Thrift, Nigel (eds.). 2000: City A-Z: Urban Fragments, Routledge, London

Pile, Steve. 2005: Real Cities: Modernity, Space and the Phantasmagorias of City Life, Sage Publications Ltd,

Rykwert, Joseph: The seduction of Place

Safdie, Moshe: The City After the Automobile

Tschumi, Bernard: Architecture and Disjunction